Sunday, September 28, 2008

A few Sunday Morning Political Thoughts

Republicans are beating their chests, claiming a big win this week that is opening up our continental shelf to off shore drilling. I'll bet you any money right now, that the first time drilling off our shores causes a major environmental problem, ruins some of our beaches that the Republicans will be the first ones to the airwaves to remind you that the Democrats were in the majority when the ban on off shore drilling was lifted.

Our own small poll on the debate has run along the same lines as most of the others in the nation, with Obama winning by almost a 2/1 margin. Time to take it down. In the meantime, looking forward to Thursday debate, and if Palin truly stumbles, shows America the Sarah Palin of SNL parodies of herself, this election IS OVER. Speaking of which, this weeks Sarah Palin was dead on, and too funny not to share, so going to join the stampede and put the video up for everyone to watch.

Where is the tentative Bailout bill so we can READ IT?

Palin On Saturday Night Live

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