Saturday, September 27, 2008

McCain says "Horse Shit" Twice in National Debate

If you carefully listen to the video clip from last night's debate you will hear towards the end of it John McCain saying "Horse Shit" not once, but twice as Obama NAILED HIM TO THE CROSS. If anyone has the clip of McCain all but dropping his precious pen in anger during the debate as he fumbled with his paper, we would love to put a link to it here on our Dick Cheese blog.

Another oddity of the debate last night...Joe Biden was available, and eager to cooperate with the press, while Sarah Palin was AWOL, somewhat like George Bush when he was in the National Guard. Perhaps she was out looking to mount a Moose? The pundits are trying to make a big deal about her support amongst men, so let me explain it to them, since they claim to have no clue. Men may not feel she is capable of being president, probably will not vote for McCain because of her, but they sure love her rack, and wish she was a waitress at their local Hooters.

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